Open Enrollment Program

For Those Not Seeking a Certificate at This Time

If you’re not ready to commit to a full certificate program, our Open Enrollment option offers flexibility and accessibility. You can take classes at your own pace, with all 12 foundational courses and some electives available. This pathway is open to both members and guests, with the opportunity for guests to advance in their coursework as they become members. Like the other pathways, you’ll have access to enriched online content and classroom support.

This Discipleship Pathway Includes:

  • All classes open to members, register as you are able. 

  • Only 7 biblical foundations classes and some electives open to friends/guests.

  • Enriched online content and classroom support

  • Guests/friends may advance in coursework as they become members. 

Fall 2024 Class Offerings

  • This dynamic small group experience is designed to help you learn about the Bible and experience community with others who want to grow in their relationship with God. Through group discussion, online content, and bible readings, you will learn who God is, who He has designed you to be, and the abundant life that is available to believers.   Required purchase:  The Transformed Life, by John Carter.

    11 Weeks - 9/18-12/4 | Cost $45 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm or Sundays at 11:30am

  • In this class you will learn how to hear from God and how to be led by the Holy Spirit.  You will receive practical teaching and discuss topics that answer questions such as how to hear from the Holy Spirit and how to discover and use the God-given gifts you possess to serve others, so you can grow in your walk with God.  Required purchase:  How to Be Led by the Spirit of God, by Kenneth E. Hagin.

    10 Weeks 9/18 - 11/20 | Cost $45 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • This class is designed to help you learn how to become a true disciple of Christ.  You will be equipped with hands-on experience and teaching in how to use the gifts God has given you.  This experience will include developing your devotional time with God, practical hands-on ministry, direct mentorship with instructors and peer-to-peer accountability to help you grow. 

    10 Weeks | Cost $45 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • Every Christian has the ability to go directly to the Father in prayer.  God hears the prayers of His children, but there are principles and ways to pray that are more effective.  You will learn how to pray in alignment with God’s Word and the promises in scripture.  You will learn different kinds of prayer, the legal side of prayer, and how to pray in ways that will produce results in your life.  

    5 Weeks - 9/18 - 10/16 | Cost $35 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • Faith is essential to the Christian’s Life.  Without it, we cannot please God.  Surprisingly, few believers know how to develop and exercise their faith.  In this class you will learn what faith is, and what it is not, how faith comes, how to activate faith, hinderances to faith, measures of faith, and fighting the good fight of faith. 

    5 Weeks - 10/30-12/4 | Cost $35 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • Money doesn’t have to be a frustrating or confusing topic.  In this class you will be given biblical guidelines and practical tools for managing your money.  Topics will include how to prepare a budget that actually works, strategies for investing wisely, retirement planning, the power of compound interest and much more.  

    6 Weeks - 10/23-12/4 | Cost $65 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

    includes book, workbook, online access to content and resources (discount excluded)

  • Offered to anyone unable to sign-up for a class.  Open Bible study explores a different topic or passage of scripture each week.  

    Wednesdays at 6:45pm | Cost Free

  • This dynamic online experience is designed to help you learn about the Bible and experience community with others who want to grow in their relationship with God. Through online discussions, video content, bible and chapter readings , you will learn who God is, who He has designed you to be, and the abundant life that is available to believers.   

    Required purchase:  The Transformed Life, by John Carter.

    12 Weeks - 9/18-12/4 | Cost $45 + Books

  • God’s Word is living and powerful, full of truth and promise.  If we don’t know the importance of reading and understanding the Word of God, we will inevitably find ourselves falling short of receiving the victory that God promises us.  In this class you will learn why it is critical to rightly divide the Word, the difference between logos and Rhema, bible translations, rules of bible interpretation and bible study tools.

    12 Weeks - 9/18-12/4 | Cost $35

Certificates & Programs

Choose from three pathways to grow in your faith: Start with the Biblical Foundations Certificate, dive deeper with the Enhanced Certificate, or opt for flexible learning through Open Enrollment. Each offers enriched content, support, and practical experiences to help you on your spiritual journey.