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Winter 2025 Class Offerings

Full Semester Courses

  • This dynamic small group experience is designed to help you learn about the Bible and experience community with others who want to grow in their relationship with God. Through group discussion, online content, and bible readings, you will learn who God is, who He has designed you to be, and the abundant life that is available to believers.  

    Required book: The Transformed Life, by John Carter

    Choose Wednesday or Sunday:

    11 Weeks: 2/12 – 4/30 | Cost $45 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm   

    11 Weeks: 2/16 – 5/4 | Cost $45 + book | Sundays at 11:30 am

  • This dynamic online experience is designed to help you learn about the Bible and engage online with others who want to grow in their relationship with God. Through discussion posts, online content, and bible readings, you will learn who God is, who He has designed you to be, and the abundant life that is available to believers.

    Required book: The Transformed Life, by John Carter

    11 Weeks: 2/12 – 4/30 | Cost $45 + book | Online

  • In this class you will learn how to hear from God and how to be led by the Holy Spirit.  You will receive practical teaching and discuss topics that answer questions such as how to hear from the Holy Spirit and how to discover and use the God-given gifts you possess to serve others, so you can grow in your walk with God. 

    Required book: How to Be Led by the Spirit of God, by Kenneth E. Hagin 

    Prerequisite: Transformed Life/ Believer’s Foundation

    10 Weeks: 2/12 – 4/23 | Cost $45 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • This class is designed to help you learn how to become a true disciple of Christ.  You will be equipped with hands-on experience and teaching in how to use the gifts God has given you.  This experience will include developing your devotional time with God, practical hands-on ministry, direct mentorship with instructors and peer-to-peer accountability to help you grow.

    Prerequisite: Transformed Life/ Believer’s Foundation, plus Deeper Life/ Spiritual Development.

    10 Weeks: 2/12 – 4/23 | Cost $45 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm


Half Semester Courses - First Session

  • Everywhere Jesus went, He healed the sick and set the captive free. The bible makes it very clear that healing is meant to be part of the life of the believer.  That same healing power is available to us today.  In this class you will learn what the bible says about healing, the many ways that healing comes, and common hinderances to ministering and receiving the manifestation of healing.  

    Required book: Seven Things You Should Know about Divine Healing by Kenneth E. Hagin

    5 Weeks: 2/12 – 3/12 | Cost $35 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45 pm

  • The church today has the same spiritual authority that Jesus exercised during His earthly ministry, however many believers are unaware of this reality. In this class, students will learn about spiritual authority, the satanic kingdom, and protocols for operating effectively in their God-given authority. Required book: The Believer’s Authority, by Kenneth E. Hagin

    Prerequisite: Transformed Life/ Believer’s Foundation

    6 Weeks: 2/12 – 3/19 | Cost $35 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45 pm

  • Money doesn’t have to be a frustrating or confusing topic.  In this class you will be given biblical guidelines and practical tools for managing your money.  Topics will include how to prepare a budget that works, strategies for investing wisely, retirement planning, the power of compound interest and more.  

    Required book: I Was Broke, Now I’m Not - Workbook, by Joseph Sangel, at Well Spring Cafe

    6 Weeks: 2/12 – 3/19 | Course Cost $35 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • Money doesn’t have to be a frustrating or confusing topic.  In this class you will be given biblical guidelines and practical tools for managing your money.  Topics will include how to prepare a budget that works, strategies for investing wisely, retirement planning, the power of compound interest and more. This class meets on Zoom.

    Required book: I Was Broke, Now I’m Not Workbook, by Joseph Sangel, at Well Spring Cafe

    6 Weeks: 2/17 – 3/24 | Cost $35 + book | Mondays at 7:00 pm | Zoom Class

    6 Weeks: 2/13 – 3/27 | Cost $35 + book | Thursdays at 8:00 pm | Zoom Class


Half Semester Courses - Second Session

  • When a person accepts Jesus, their spirit is made alive to God and is completely new. The soul, which includes the mind, will and emotions is still in a process of renewal. The bible gives us clear instructions about how to care for our soul. In this class, you will learn to identify markers for a healthy soul (mind, will and emotions), and what the bible has to say about maintaining the health and condition of your soul.

    5 Weeks: 3/26 – 4/30 | Cost $35 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • This letter, written by the Apostle Paul to the churches in Galatia, speaks to believers who had been influenced by men who were twisting and perverting the gospel. Paul addresses the dangers of these deceptions, emphasizing that our position with God is not earned, but justified by faith in Christ alone and not of our own works. Like the believers of that day, we too are surrounded by many voices on social media and other platforms that would influence us away from the simplicity of the gospel. In this class, you will learn the many reasons why it is important to know what the bible teaches, and how to discern what is false in the face of today’s culture.

    5 Weeks: 3/26 – 4/30 | Cost $35 | Wednesdays at 6:45pm

  • All born-again believers have a blood covenant relationship with Almighty God through their union with Jesus Christ. However, relatively few understand what a covenant is, or know how to access the tremendous benefits and blessings it makes available to them. From Genesis to Revelation, God wove the concept of blood covenant into the very fabric of the bible. This course will examine the true meaning and reality of the new covenant through the blood of Jesus, why it is necessary and what the bible reveals about its power and blessings.

    Required book: The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread, by Richard Booker

    Prerequisite: Transformed Life/ Believer’s Foundation

    6 Weeks: 3/26 – 5/7 | Cost $35 + book | Wednesdays at 6:45pm