The Power of Prayer


Reverend Theresa Curley | MONDAYS 7PM | IN-PERSON | 4 Weeks

When you spend time with the Lord, do you struggle with what to say during prayer? Have you ever had someone ask you to pray for them, and immediately felt out of place? Has anyone ever prayed for you and left you wishing you could pray like that? Then you need one (or both!) of our Power of Prayer classes.


  • Successful completion of Transformed Life

Cost: $10 per class

Session One

The Power of Prayer: Bible Prayers

Sept 26th - Oct 17th

The Bible should be the foundation of all our prayers. The Bible is full of people praying in all sorts of circumstances find, read, and pray the scriptures. In this class you will have opportunities to practice and become skilled at praying for yourself and with others

Session Two

The Power of Prayer: The Art of Intercession

Oct 31st - Nov 21st

Every Christian has been called to pray for other believers. There are times in prayer when we find ourselves at the intersection of feeling led to pray for others, but not knowing which direction to pray or what to say over them to help bring the will of the Lord into their lives. In this class, you will be equipped with the tools and the knowledge to pray more effectively with and for other people.

Have questions? We’d love to help.

Use the link below to get connected with our Institute Coordinator to answer any questions you may have.